Saturday, October 28, 2023

Mech Arena v3.02.01

New Mech: Neon Shadow
The Neon Shadow is a new stealth-based mech that can quickly move around the battlefield and deal damage from a distance. It is equipped with a powerful cloaking device that allows it to become invisible to enemies, and its twin plasma cannons can quickly take down even the toughest opponents.

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  19. صورة لقطة الشاشة
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New Weapon: Implosion

The Implosion is a powerful explosive weapon that can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. It fires a projectile that creates a black hole upon impact, sucking in and damaging all nearby enemies. The Implosion is perfect for taking down groups of enemies or clearing out chokepoints.

Balance Changes
The update also includes a number of balance changes to existing mechs and weapons. These changes are designed to make the game more fair and balanced for all players. For example, the Ares mech has been given a slight nerf to its damage output, while the Zephyr mech has been given a slight buff to its speed.
Bug Fixes
The update also includes a number of bug fixes. These fixes address a variety of issues, including crashes, performance problems, and visual glitches.
Overall, the Mech Arena 3.02.01 update is a significant update that adds a number of new features and improvements to the game. It is definitely worth checking out for all Mech Arena fans.